Our trail to happiness !

Our trail to happiness !

Monday, October 21, 2013

Oct 11, Fri- perfect ride alone! down the RR.. hyper hyper boy!

        Friday evening I decide to tack up and ride out alone... I hadn't been on Kizz since our Sunday ride last and he's probably going to be pretty hyper. I tack up and as soon as Chris gets home I hop on and head out. I tell him I am going to the logging road to trot some. I leave all the horses out and hope for the best. We leave and all horses are GREAT! No yelling and nothing. We don't go up the access road , rather I go down the pave farther and head up into the fields across from the diary farm and head through those to our mowed trail. For leaving and going out a completely new trail for Kizz, he is AWESOME! We trot the whole way. Once we come to the mowed trail we walk some where it's muddy. He is pretty hyper I can tell from the way he's hitting the ground with his feet!

We get to the hilly wet part of the mowed trail and I can tell something is down there.. Kizz keeps acting strange and doesn't want to go, I decide I best turn.. After I turn I can tell I was right, Something WAS down there because the whole way back out Kizz is snakey, turning and looking behind us. I know it's way too early to head back home -we only  just got out! and Kizz is very hyper still. So I call my hubby to tell him about our course change and head down towards the pave. We will go down to the RR. The whole way Kizz is perfect. He has lots of energy but he's being very good. We get down to the RR and trot along it. I am a bit nervous as it's late in the evening and it gets dark so quick! So I don't know how far we will go.. I decide to go until he calms and settles some. We trot and even canter some along the RR. We make it to the pave in MILLVILLE!!! wow! I'm so happy I get a pic!

He bites some grass by the road and then we turn and head back. We trot and canter some. He is A1, Still hyper though! We turn off at our ditch and head up the Camp road . Halfway up it I hear the tractor! When we get to the tractor and the property owner he turns it off and we chat some. Kizz is pretty good! He wants to GO but he stands fairly well. When we do head off we trot up the Camp road and I let him canter up a hill a  bit. He lets out a couple little bucks so I pull him back to trotting.

We trot the rest of the way home! He is Still hyper coming home and we did 9? almost 10 Miles!? ALONE

What a guy. I untack and lead him around letting him eat grass (after his supper) and dry him out a bit before putting him away. What a GREAT ride, I'm SO SO proud of us!!!!!! He was great!!! AH! love this!!!!!!!

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